Design a Portfolio

Many Canadians are overwhelmed when faced with the ever-increasing number of available investment options. Tremendous variety, coupled with the influence from countless institutions, contributes to the confusion. We offer you advice on the best kind of investment solutions for your situation and we can provide comparative information, including price and performance history for the mutual funds we offer. Our broad range of wealth planning resources are designed to deliver customized solutions for your individual and unique planning needs.

Cash and Credit Management

Every Canadian needs to save money, borrow money and use a chequing account. Most go to their local bank branch because it’s convenient.
Is this your best choice? Large financial institutions like the banks, only represent their own firms and only offer their own products. We offer comprehensive advice on all your financial issues: from assistance with cash flow planning, mortgage advice and review, debt management strategies, guidance with in saving and investing in the various tax preferred and efficient strategies.

Plan Your Estate

The importance of estate planning is often overlooked. We will provide ongoing service and assistance with navigating the various decisions that need to be made within your savings and investment strategies to ensure a smooth transition of your assets to your loved ones. You will be encouraged to take this aspect of your planning seriously at all points in your financial life – not just in retirement.